Mirror Walk

A group walking practice involving sensory awareness that emphasises ecological connectedness.
Two people standing side by side in the middle of a forest.
Photo by Casey Horner / Unsplash

Where it's from

The Mirror Walk is a Work that Reconnects practice adapted from the Trust Walk, a common team-building and sensory awareness activity. It emphasises ecological connectedness and the idea of the world as an extension of the self. It is often used in workshops and retreats to foster deep ecological understanding and personal reflection.

What you need


Approximately 40 minutes.


  • Choose an outdoor setting with natural elements; however, a city street with some greenery can also suffice.
  • Ensure participants have comfortable, appropriate clothing for the environment.
  • Prepare a method for signaling time to switch roles and end the practice (e.g., a loud bell or a distinctive call).
  • Demonstrate the process with a volunteer before beginning.

How it's done

  1. Pair Up and Set Intentions
    Participants form pairs. Explain the purpose of the Mirror Walk: to awaken sensory awareness and experience the world as an extension of themselves.
  2. Guiding and Sensing
    One person in each pair closes their eyes and is guided silently by their partner. The guide gently leads the partner to various sensory experiences: a flower to smell, the texture of bark to feel, or the sound of the environment to listen to.
  3. The Mirror Moment
    Periodically, the guide will adjust their partner's head, as if aiming a camera, and instruct them to "Open your eyes and look in the mirror." The one being guided briefly opens their eyes to take in the sight, experiencing the world as a mirror of themselves.
  4. Switching Roles
    After a predetermined time, signal participants to switch roles. The one who was guiding now closes their eyes and is guided by their partner.
  5. Reflection in Foursomes
    Once both rounds are complete, each pair joins another pair to form a foursome and shares their experiences. Encourage them to discuss what they noticed, what surprised them, and any feelings that arose during the walk.
About the author

Mettamancy Collective

We are a collective of practitioners dedicated to cultivate goodwill in our lives through daily rituals. Subscribe to be notified on our upcoming offerings.

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