Gratitude Rounds

A collective gratitude practice that celebrates everyday aspects of life that we often take for granted.
A back view of people huddling together side-by-side.
Photo by Vonecia Carswell / Unsplash

Where it's from

Although this format is derived from the Work that Reconnects, Gratitude Rounds is a practice that comes from a broader approach of acknowledging and celebrating life's gifts, which is a common theme in many spiritual and therapeutic traditions. It encourages a shift from taking everyday aspects of life for granted to recognising them as precious and unique, enhancing a sense of gratitude and well-being.

What you need


Approximately 30–40 minutes total.


  • Arrange seating in circles of five or six participants each.
  • Choose a quiet, comfortable space conducive to reflection and sharing.
  • Ensure a way to keep time for each round.

How it's done

  1. Circle Formation
    Have participants sit in circles of five or six. Ensure everyone is comfortably seated and prepared for a session of reflection and sharing.
  2. Entering Space
    Encourage everyone to imagine they are at a point outside of space and time. This mental positioning is vital for gaining a new perspective and fostering a sense of wonder and appreciation.
  3. Beginning Silence
    Start with a short period of silence to allow participants to gather their thoughts and center their minds.
  4. Round One - Loving Earth
    Participants take turns sharing what they loved about living on Earth. This could be natural wonders, moments, or experiences that brought them joy. Continue this round for about 10-15 minutes, potentially circling more than once if participants have more to share.
  5. Round Two - Appreciating Humanity
    Shift focus to what they liked or appreciated about the humans of planet Earth. This can include traits, actions, relationships, or specific individuals that have impacted their lives positively.
  6. Round Three - Personal Gratitude
    The final round is a reflection on what participants are grateful for in being themselves. Encourage sharing of personal growth, qualities, achievements, or experiences that they are thankful for.
  7. Conclusion
    Conclude each round with a moment of silence or a gentle signal, allowing for transition and absorption of the shared appreciations.
About the author

Mettamancy Collective

We are a collective of practitioners dedicated to cultivate goodwill in our lives through daily rituals. Subscribe to be notified on our upcoming offerings.

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